Utilizing Prilepin’s Chart
My first experience with Prilepin’s chart was in the summer of 1993. I had entered my first powerlifting competition in the spring of that same year and had bombed out in the squat. I didn’t give up and did the right thing by seeking out professional help, not psychiatric mind you (although I may have
Top 10 Reasons Heavy Weights Won’t Bulk Up the Female Athlete
1. Women do not have nearly as much testosterone as men. In fact, according to Bill Kreamer in Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning, women have about 15 to 20 times less testosterone than men. Testosterone is the reason men are men and women are women. After men hit puberty, they grow facial hair, their voice deepens,
What I Wish I Knew, Part II
By Tim Kontos, CSCS, USAW Head Strength and Conditioning Coach Virginia Commonwealth University For EliteFTS.com In part one I covered some the basic principles of being a strength and conditioning coach. Now I will cover what I feel are the most important aspects of coaching in the weight room. KNOW AND WORK ON YOUR FLAWS
What I Wish I Knew, Part I
By Tim Kontos, CSCS, USAW Head Strength and Conditioning Coach Virginia Commonwealth University For EliteFTS.com The other day my colleague, Todd Hamer, the Head Strength and Conditioning coach for Marist College and I were on the phone discussing the Elite Fitness strength coach’s questionnaire. When we got to the questions, “What tips and tricks can